Please find a range of frequently asked quesions below.
1 I am unable to display an Instagram feed on my CodaSign system.
We are currently experiencing issues that are preventing users being able to display feeds using the CodaSign Instagram App. Our team are working hard to resolve this issue and we will contact any affected users once it has been resolved.
2 Where can I request my login details for the CodaSign system?
You can request your login details by calling our Technical Support team on 0114 399 0010 (Mon-Fri 8:00am-5:30pm) or email support@numed.co.uk with your request.
3 How do I register another CodaSign user account?
To register another user ito your organisation, please contact our Technical Support team on 0114 399 0010 or support@numed.co.uk
They will add any additional users you require and the new user will have their own username and password. There is no limit to the number of users who can access your organisation.
4 What are your opening hours?
Our Technical Support Team are available on 0114 399 0010:
Monday to Friday, 8:00am - 5:30pm
Closed Public Holidays.
Our Sales/Media Office is available on 0114 243 3896:
9:00am - 5:00pm Monday - Friday
Closed Public Holidays.
5 Is there any limit on how many videos I can add to a playlist?
There is no limit on the number of videos you can add to a playlist.
The running time of the Playlist is displayed as you add or remove items.
6 Can I have more than one playlist?
Yes. Please go to the 'My Playlists' section and click 'New'. You can then add any media items to this new playlist by dragging and dropping media or clicking 'Add' below the media clip.
You can also copy an existing playlist using another name and then edit that playlist. To do this, open the playlist you wish to copy and click 'Copy'.
Please remember to click 'Send' so that the correct playlist is sent to your CodaSign Media Player before logging out.
7 My TV screen is not showing anything?
Please ensure your CodaStick media player and TV are switched on and connected correctly. Please check that the correct input source (usually HDMI 1) is selected.
Finally log into your account and confirm your playlist has been sent to the correct CodaSign Media Player.
If you are still having problems then please contact our Technical Support Team on: 0114 399 0010 or support@numed.co.uk